Franciscan in Focus: Brother Leonard Conway, OSF

I have expressed God’s love and have responded by helping to rebuild the church and planting seeds of Christian Consciousness in others.

After renewing my vows and completing my bachelor’s degree in Math at St. Francis College it was my request to go to Bishop Ford where I had first met the Franciscan Brothers and was a member of the first graduating class in 1966. I was disappointed when my request was denied and I was assigned to St. Francis Prep (SFP). With God’s love and the encouragement of the Brothers I began this very long career at SFP- over 50 years. While at the Prep, I was asked to run Camp Alvernia in the mid 1970’s. Again through God’s love and the help of the Brothers and Alumni of SFP that I taught, I began a 13 year career in the in the summer as director of Camp Alvernia. With the help of all and the support of the Brothers we were able to turn around a camp that almost closed and was being considered to be sold. After several years we had over 250 resident campers as well as 250 day campers and became a very successful operation living out the Franciscan mission every day.

In 1983 I was asked to be principal of SFP -something I did NOT want to do. I felt it would take me away from the students who I was very much with in the classroom and student activities. Again, God’s love prevailed with the support of the Brothers, family and friends I began a 30year career as principal and now in my  10thyear as President of St. Francis Prep.

Two things in all the years as an administrator stand out and make me very proud of all associated with St. Francis Prep.

  1. Our strong ties and relationships with St. Francis secondary school in Lare, Kenya funded by Irish Franciscan Brothers who also founded us. At the 150th anniversary of our community, their Superior General Brother Peter Roddy, O.S.F., encouraged us to start this relationship. We have helped them tremendously by purchasing bicycles, computers, tiling floors, new kitchen facilities, solar energy, etc. I have been blessed to visit the school twice and look forward to returning soon.
  2. As an administrator at SFP – I always said that I would never put out a student and deprive them of a Franciscan education because of finances. This led to the establishment of numerous financial aid funds by our alumni to help those in need. In particular during covid and the pandemic with the establishment of the Terrier Star fund. Thanks to the generosity of our alumni and CBS Julie Chen matching each dollar, we have raised nearly 2 million dollars. During the first two years of covid we saved over 300 students and families who due to financial ramifications of the pandemic would not have been able to complete their Franciscan education at SFP.

All members of the Prep Community truly believe “It is in Giving that we Receive.”

I am so grateful for my life-long ministry as a Franciscan Brother of Brooklyn and look forward to continue spreading our Franciscan Mission to all that come our way.

Brother Leonard Conway, O.S.F., currently ministers at St. Francis Preparatory School in Queens, NY.  Our oldest school, St. Francis Prep is not only the largest private Catholic High School in the country, but it also is the most diverse Catholic School in the Diocese of Brooklyn.


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