Franciscan in Focus: Brother Joshua DiMauro, OSF
I began teaching at Saint Anthony’s High School in September 1974. I taught 5 classes of Math and assisted Brother Andrew Manniello in establishing the Choral Program in the co-curricular format which we still use today. I became involved very quickly in Student Activities and was named Dean of Student Activities in 1976. During the Summers I earned my Masters Degree in Music at Notre Dame University (Indiana) and completed Post Graduate coursework in Gregorian Chant and Choral Studies at Catholic University(Washington D.C.), Westminster Choir College (Princeton, NJ) and Abbaye Saint Pierre de Solesmes (France). Since 1982, I have been the Director of Saint Anthony’s Chorus which now numbers 600 students as well as the Gregorian Schola of 75 singers. I also coordinate all the Liturgical Music for the Franciscan Brothers.
My passion for Sacred Music and Liturgical Music is the vehicle through which I strive to make Christ present and to rebuild His Church. First and foremost is Gregorian Chant which has been the resounding music of the Catholic Church for the past 1200 years. The sacred text and ascending melodies lift the soul to God. These are the very same chants sung by the canonized saints of the past. We begin every Chorus Class with selected pieces of Chant proper to the Liturgical Season. Supplemental to the canon of Gregorian Chant is Sacred Hymnody. Each day we sing selections of traditional Catholic Hymnody that has inspired the Faith throughout the centuries. Teaching the students the great masterpieces of the Choral Repertoire such as Haydn Kyrie, Mozart Gloria, Faure Sanctus, Beethoven Mount of Olives, Handel Hallelujah Chorus, Gounoud Saint Cecilia Mass all further reinforce the splendor of music fostered by our Catholic Faith. Naturally, we also enjoy the contemporary music and dance moves of Jazz, Broadway and Rock and Roll, serving as a form of recreational singing to further fortify our fellowship by singing together and forming strong relational bonds among the members.
All these efforts in the discipline of music serve to cultivate the seeds of Catholic identity among the young men and women with whom I sing every day, effectively strengthening their resolve to strive for holiness in an ever more challenging world.
Brother Joshua DiMauro, O.S.F., currently ministers at St. Anthony's High School on Long Island where he is Assistant Principal, Prefect of Discipline, and Dean of Student Activities. Brother also serves on our General Council as Secretary General.
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